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Custom Composition Guides display incomplete

Posted: April 14th, 2013, 12:40 pm
by davidh
The following user Composition Guides display incomplete in PWP Beta 7.0.7. 64 and also in 6.0.10. 64 on Win 7:

name "Thirds - Diagonals"
line 0.0 0.0 0.6667 1.0
line 0.0 1.0 0.6667 0.0
line 0.3333 0.0 1.0 1.0
line 0.3333 1.0 1.0 0.0

In the previous PWP Beta versions they displayed correctly. Restarting PC does not help.

The red diagonals do not display but the red diagonal from the right lower corner is "flickering in" when the Crop dialog or another window is moved over the image.

By the way, Elie Dinur's post with a link to a few interesting examples of "Thirds - Diagonals" application is here:


Re: Custom Composition Guides display incomplete

Posted: April 14th, 2013, 1:22 pm
by ksinkel
I copied and pasted your "Thirds - Diagonals" specification block into my guides file and see no problem with their display. All four diagonals are displayed properly.

Check the blocks before and after this block. In particular check to make sure that the begin_object and end_object tags are present on their own lines and that there are the correct number of parameters for each of the elements defined in the neighboring blocks.


Re: Custom Composition Guides display incomplete

Posted: April 14th, 2013, 2:53 pm
by den
I am unable to discern a problem as well using Vista32 and PWP707-32 for:
(1) 24 or 48-bit work space images at various zoom factors and frame size; and
(2) Preview images at various zoom factors and frame size with the exception of meaningless diagonal crossings when the Preview windows are sized such that they have vertical and/or horiztonal frame scroll sliders.


Re: Custom Composition Guides display incomplete

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 9:22 am
by davidh
The problem was in the incomplete definition of last line of the block: the last three coordinates were missing. I wonder how I managed to copy and past it like this. Anyway, I should have checked this myself. My apologies.
