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Remarks on PWP70-x64 Installer

Posted: March 2nd, 2013, 6:55 pm
by mjdl
I just tried it. Two issues struck me:

1) The file associations panel has all the file types already ticked. My preference is installers that let the users choose which program associations they would like established, since they may have other program associations already set up for certain file types. A convenience would be a way of controlling all tick marks at once, as other installers do with a hierarchical tree organization of installation options. Or, by dint of extra work, and if you really want to reach the top-of-the-installer-pops, have the installer the existing user program file-type associations for current PWP associations and simply retain those and no others.

2) The installation location panel displays "C:\Program Files\" as the default installation path on x64 machines, but of course that actually means "C:\Program Files\Digital Light & Color\Picture Window Pro 7.0" is the real final destination path. Most other program installers will always display that final installation path, and not the "base" installation path, and that behaviour reassures users that the installer gets the destination right and saves them from creating unnecessary intermediate folders.

Small stuff, I know, but maybe a review is worthwhile...

Re: Remarks on PWP70-x64 Installer

Posted: March 2nd, 2013, 8:59 pm
by alain

Another one : change the name from setup.exe to something more descriptive.
The zip files are now already better, but I would like after PWP the complete version nr. (aka the beta version).


Re: Remarks on PWP70-x64 Installer

Posted: March 2nd, 2013, 11:11 pm
by ksinkel
We use an install generating program to create the install files. The program controls how the install path is displayed.
The program also generates the associations dialog and unfortunately an 'uncheck all' control is not available. Note however that even though the dialog lists many extensions, most of these are raw extensions. So in practice, only a few of the extensions would be of interest in any individual case.

I will look into a more descriptive name for the setup file.


Re: Remarks on PWP70-x64 Installer

Posted: March 3rd, 2013, 6:37 am
by Dieter Mayr

It is no problem at all to rename the setup.exe yourself.
I have all my PWP setup files renamed like setupPWP705.exe.

Re: Remarks on PWP70-x64 Installer

Posted: March 3rd, 2013, 6:52 am
by alain
Dieter Mayr wrote:Alain,

It is no problem at all to rename the setup.exe yourself.
I have all my PWP setup files renamed like setupPWP705.exe.
I know. Unfortunately I'm also know that I also have to look up the exact version nr after install and have found quite some "setup.exe" files in my download folder ;-)