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Adjust and Sharpen Factor = 1

Posted: January 25th, 2024, 2:16 pm
by tomczak
It took me a while to figure it out...

When Adjust is Reset to default values (including Sharpen Factror = 1) and Sharpening is enabled, recalculations are a breeze as there is no need to calculate the Mean Image (since nothing changes) and it seems to be omitted. But if I adjust the Sharpen Factor to some other value and then bring it back to 1, the Mean Value is still calculated.

It's all fine as either recalculation can be set to manual or the sharpening part disabled temporarily when doing some other things, but I figured I would share my discovery.

Re: Adjust and Sharpen Factor = 1

Posted: January 25th, 2024, 3:00 pm
by jsachs
If you get the Sharpen Factor back to precisely 1.0, it should go back to skipping the sharpening step, but getting it exactly there can be challenging.

Re: Adjust and Sharpen Factor = 1

Posted: January 25th, 2024, 4:34 pm
by tomczak
I tried and I'm getting it to read 1.00 relatively easily, but perhaps the internal precision of the value is higher than the one displayed and that's why it keeps recalculating, as it's not exactly 1?

p.s. When I stretch the control box and Shift-Ctrl-click on the slider to move it by one pixel, there is a range of 3 pixels that round off to 1.00 display value. I guess I'm missing the exact pixel that would translate to true 1 value...

Re: Adjust and Sharpen Factor = 1

Posted: January 25th, 2024, 8:27 pm
by jsachs
If you want to disable sharpening you can use the tool bar at the top to enable or disable any of the tabs. I will however look at adding commands to the settings menu to reset the settings for each individual tab.