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Bug fix release 27-Jun-2018

Posted: June 27th, 2018, 1:34 pm
by jsachs
I have posted a new release (27-Jun-2018) in full installer and executable-only versions. No changes to help file.

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

Fixed bug in Mask range tool in some cases leaving horizontal bands in the mask.

Removed several redundant mask recalculations.

Fixed bug causing crash when canceling a new top-level transformation.

Fixed problem double-clicking on transformations that have no dialog box (e.g. Color Wheel, Color Chart, Simulated Q-13, etc.). This is now ignored instead of creating a new transformation.

Fixed problem causing delayed response to dragging mask range tool sliders for large images.

Fixed problem causing bypass toggle not to propagate correctly in some cases.

Fixed bug in File Save when saving over an open file with the Rename option.