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Bug fix release 20-May-2018

Posted: May 20th, 2018, 2:31 pm
by jsachs
I have posted a new release (20-May-2018) in full installer and executable-only versions. Minor changes to help file.

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

Added a few more frame images (for the Frame transformation) to the Frames and Tiles Folder created by the installer. You will need to download the full installer to get these files.

Fixed bug in Frame transformation for frames with predefined profiles (e.g. triple bead) not matching up on the upper right and bottom left corners.

Moved the handle for the separator bar between the image browser and image area from the bottom to the center where it is less likely to get obscured by a transformation dialog.

Launching PWP by double-clicking on a file or otherwise via the command line now sets the folder containing the file as the initial folder for subsequent file open commands. Fixed other problems with initial folder not being set correctly.