Physical or Logical link in cloned side branches.

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Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Physical or Logical link in cloned side branches.

Post by davidh »

When I was preparing a small test print patch from different parts of an image I found an irregularity about cloning a side branch containing a composite transformation.

here is a simplified scenario:
1. open an imput image
2. Tint it, for example, red
3. Crop a small part of the tinted image
4. Clone the crop step and crop another part of the tinted image
5. Add a border to the first crop large enough to accomodate the second crop
6. Composite the two crops using Blend -> you get a composite of two red crops

You can skip the step 5 and use a mask in Composite, see the example in the attachment.

7. Clone a side branch beginning with the Tint step
8. Go to the Tint step in the cloned branch and change it to green -> you get a composite of two colors, green from the cloned Tint and red from the original Tint.
9. Go to the original branch and change the red to blue -> the composite in the cloned branch is now blue and green.

You would expect both composited crops to be green, but there is a physical link to the original Overlay crop (red,blue) and not a logical link to the cloned overlay crop (green) in the cloned branch.

I think that both links are necessary but the logical link seems to be preferable within the cloned part of an original branch. The physical link makes sense to images outside a cloned part of a branch.
For example, if another transformation was inserted between the step 1 and 2 (outside the cloned part of the branch) its effect would be visible in both branches, the original and the cloned.

However there might be more to it that I am not able to foresee at this moment.
Physical or Logical Link v3.png
Physical or Logical Link v3.png (109.91 KiB) Viewed 1022 times
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Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Physical or Logical link in cloned side branches.

Post by jsachs »

When you select an image as an auxiliary input such as the Composite overlay image you are creating an implicit link between Composite and the overlay image. When you clone the Composite transformation, you are cloning this link to the overlay image as well. I don't see any reliable way to make it work any other way. You can always select a different overlay image in the cloned branch.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color